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Who am I ?

Hello everyone,

I amSebastien GA Le Maout, some already know me (in one way or another, by TV or internet) I amSorcerer/Mage, the most accurate term isOccultist.



I descend from4 of the oldest lines of French witches(finally European since the division of our regional cartography was not at all the same) on one side Corsica and on the other Breton.



Initiatedto occultism and esotericism in a traditional family way since my earliest memories (which means that I am what is called aHereditary Sorcerer), j'ai été inscrit à l'ancienne formation d'un célèbre institut américain_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_now in version Online and was therediploma.Then Initiated in Magical Orders at the age of 18.



And I continued my studies as an autodidact, crossing esotericism and magical practices around the world, even if I hold a lot to my Celtic roots which showed me the Way of Magic.Since 2007, I officiate for customers.

I studied the magic ofVoodoo, Talebs, Arabic magic, Macumba, Shinto, Golden Dawn, Aurum Solis, Goetia, Hermeticism, Alchemy, R+C, FM, Thelema, the Way of the Left Hand as well as the Right Handand so on. 




Then I directedmy own school in Nice for 2 yearsalternatingwriting of essays, methods, grimoires and novels and filming of television shows. 




With Steve Carlin Medium Hereditary Sorcerer/Mage and Initiate, we work together in different cases. Founders of the Pentacle Council and Esoterra.




Heredity does not prevent us from studying, something we have done. And I can say that this does not change anything compared to other practitioners. I would even say that it's even more difficult because you have to succeed in questioning everything, even the family tradition to detect errors.

Sébastien Le Maôut, sorcier mage occultiste wiccan, nice, wicca magie sorcellerie écrivain Magick Academy, NRJ12 tellement vrai
Mecanismes pratique magique alliance magiue éditions sébastien le maout
Sébastien Le Maôut, sorcier mage occultiste wiccan, nice, wicca magie sorcellerie écrivain Magick Academy, NRJ12 tellement vrai


So, as you will have understood, I am very eclectic (the real thing, not the Cunningham), if you had to define me in my practices, I am a syncretism that I like to call:  MagickAll



I remain very traditional in my decorum, this can be seen by my strong magical culture and whatever lore, faerie, pictish, gardnerian, alexandrian, seax, dianic, golden dawn, chaote etc... 



My pagan origins  are by far the most influential for me in terms of iconography and mythogrammy, but I tend to  Universal Religion



Nowadays I continue my research, do practical experiments onoccult appsin order to write awork  in my image:adogmaticand stripped of folklorism in a moreoccult scientist and metaparadigmatic. Release scheduled for 30 August 2018 by Alliance Magique editions. (Click here to pre-order on Amazon)


"Occultism is the study of the ancient tradition concerning the hidden (hyperphysical) forces of Nature, Man and the Divine Plan."

by Papus                                         

Sébastien Le Maôut, sorcier mage occultiste wiccan, nice, wicca magie sorcellerie écrivain Magick Academy, NRJ12 tellement vrai

Sebastien GA Le Maout

Sorcerer ∞ Mage ∞ Occultist

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