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My Partners

As I surround myself with serious practitioners as well as businesses offering quality products, I am happy to be able to present them to you.

Steve Carlin ◊ Médium Voyant Occultiste ◊ Nice

I thank Avigora for presenting my site among the serious references.

Groupe Indépendant de Recherches Ésotériques (GIRE)
Maison du Bord du Monde �∫Artisanat Magique

I invite you to discover craft creations related to magic where everything is pretty and made with passion.

The facebook group I co-manage withSteve Carlin Medium

Occultisme & Ésotérisme, les Pratiques Magiques / l'Annuaire ésotérique de référence
Association ÉSOTERRA

ÉSOTERRA is a 1901 law association that we run withSteve Carlin, with the aim of to bring together teachers, researchers and practitioners in Esotericism, Occultism, Energetics and alternative therapies. Et proposer  conferences, workshops and festivals with the aim of restoring its Letters of Nobility to the French-speaking esoteric milieu, particularly in Nice Côte-d'Azur, Alpes-Maritimes (06 ).

La Coupe des Fées, boutique ésotérique

Sebastien GA Le Maout

Sorcerer ∞ Mage ∞ Occultist

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Le Conseil du Pentacle
Association ÉSOTERRA
  • Wix Facebook page
Groupe Indépendant de Recherches Ésotériques
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